Friday, January 20, 2006

Bubble Bath

It's been a long day, it started on Monday and just ended today at 4.30pm. To celebrate getting through the ups and downs, the mini tragedies, the life altering decisions and dreams that I hope to realize next week, I indulge myself in this most satisfying practise.

In a warm coccoon with the worlds best crooners, I let the week wash out of my bones. I float like the clouds that I have envied all week. I am warmed in the dark of night, as if I had switched on my own personal sun. The universe floats away, the phones stop ringing, the world is at peace here. There are no competitions, save the candles, each trying to out glow the other. A war of relaxing scents assauge my nasal senses. I stop my restless brain almost instantaneously, with a glass of wine. My limbs ease their restless fight with the week, as the wine loosens my body.

But the best part is the bubbles. God bless the bubbles, each and every single one of them that comes to my aid, before bursting into a mist of sweet smelling perfume. Each bubble giving my skin a mini massage as they bump into me in their excitement. And this warm cocoon of bubbles lights and scents, sends my mind to oblivion, thus my weekend has officially begun.

Have a wonderful weekend.... Happy Friday


Blogger Whispering Inn said...

You know I had to be first here to see you naked! (more like see your bubbles-covered leg...but hey, I'll take it!)
I too find it very relaxing but I feel guilty doing it solo (not very manly) - always helps to have company!

12:57 PM  
Blogger Shaggy said...

Wassup Jay, wish I could jump into that bubble bath too. Knock yourself off.

Great weekend too. Be safe.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Farmgal said...

This is bound to make some brathas sweat kidogo.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Stunuh Jay said...

WhisperI: there is no guilty pleasure in a bubble bath, pure bliss only. I can't invite people into the bath, it's not big enough;)
BJ: Hiyah! have a splendid weekend yourself
FarmG: It's a foot...surely! We've moved from the medieval days when an exposed ankle would send a man into the throes of passion. Then again, why tempt fate.

12:58 PM  

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