Tuesday, July 26, 2005

yah know, just when you think it couldn't get any techier

Heard over the radio this weekend:They were talking about electronic device voices. This company that specializes in making talking electronic devices for the seeing impaired. One day they get a call from this client and she said her electronic tape measure was threatening to self destruct in 5 seconds! And the poor woman was terrified.Of course they thought it was proposterous until they went and asked the engineers, and one of them (after having watched mission impossible) had recorded the phrase and forgotten to delete it!
Now that cracked me up royally.
But on a funnier note, when the American microwave says Higher power the german translation was the term used during the second world war which says... fullspeed ahead, But the German customers were perturbed because they didn't understand what the microwave should be doing since it wasn't going anywhere!


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