Saturday, June 18, 2005

It's going to be OK.

Well if I keep saying that it's OK, maybe it will be. I might have the water works going for a couple of days, ok I lie... I'll be at it for a week If I'm lucky.
But at last 5 people, all independent, said the same thing, dump he's sorry ass... But no....they were all wrong, (the person who came up with "majority rules" should be hang upside down by their cohones until they dearly depart!!... that's the diet coke red wine talking.) But it's not easy at all, you're talking about someone that's never dumped anyone before, they's got to be something said for just up and moving...
But ours was doomed from the start.
Oh well, it'll be ok, right?


Blogger Rishma said...

I thought I was the only one in the world unable to dump someone. Yeah, I stayed in a relationship I didn't want because I couldn't dump the person.

Red wine should never be mixed with anything. I learned that after barfing twice and an awful hangover.

5:02 PM  

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