Sunday, November 05, 2006

The King of Cairo

He has ruled these streets for many a year
His charm and his wit like a sepulchre
Tall as he stands
Larger than life
This man
This God
This african adonis
Long may he rule
Over vast valleys and rivers

I met him at a club. He was beautiful, 4 inches past 6 foot, and like he said, double that for a good time. He was hilarious, a gorgeous smile that tickled me down to my very core. I am addicted to tall men, not tall and skinny like a string bean. He was athletic and decadent. A butt as tight as a drum (trust me I checked ;))

He has manners that could put a courtier to shame, such charm such wit! So it was lovely. So if the fates are kind maybe I'll be seing this Egytian character again.... and then again the fates have been smoking some wacky we'll have to see what happens.


Blogger Nakeel said...

All the best queen in maintaning the King of Cairo. Fate better be kind to my sis.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Shaggy said...

Wassup Stunah, hope all is well back in your nick of the woods...

Simply touching base, keep warm...

11:38 AM  

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