Taking my own medicine
Today which is in fact tomorrow, I have to tell someone no. I have to find a way to tell this person the truth, I can't possibly commit to what they're asking me to do. After reading my own blog I find that maybe fact is much easier to handle for all parties, because, as much as I'd like to be cruel I cannot bring myself to do it. They don't deserve it, because it finally is my fault... and I'm going to have to find a way to take the blame for it without having it sound like ' it's not you but it really is you' because it really isn't...if that made sense...you must have taken your medication. Either way I'm losing sleep over it.
What's up with all this self prophesying business??!! I could do without it. But I'll keep the SHU concert tickets, thank you very much.
Thanks for stopping by my nest. By the way admission that you are wrong is the first step to healing your soul:-) at least that is what my shrink says....:-))
whew, sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do, uncomfortable or painful as it may sound. but stick to the truth, it really does pay off in the long run.
@Irena....hiyah! Your shrink is definitely onto something there :-)
@S!...hiyah Boo! well the truth hath set me free...but whoa! next time I'm just going to pretend I didn't gij, that should make it easier ...in fact I think my hearing aid's acting up as we speak!
Poor Chappie
Lakini Shu rocks so keep those tikitis!!!
@ milo: yes SHU will make it all better again!
tell away girl! break a heart and set yours free.
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