'That which gives breath (ie. "spirit") to the heart, with a graceful motion.' That's the definition of the chinese character for love. I've been around the blog-estate, I was quite thrilled by KM! You go Girl! ( I was rolling in the aisles.) But, all said and done, Girlfreind has made some valid points after that.... which led to some serious question time. Personaly I avoid question time, it usually involves a cantankerous magic 8 ball and questions to which I already know the answer to... hence the magic 8 ball because that way I can tell whether it's moral campus still works (like it cares!!)
So what did the magic 8 ball say about my current obsession
Question: Is this just a matter of I'm falling in love and he's enjoying the side effects, viz...passion and lust
Magic 8 ball said:You can bet on it
Question: If I am hopeful enough, will this be a meaningful relationship
Magic 8 ball says: Absolutely Not
Question: Should I go back to salsa classes and forget about the buzcocks?
Magic 8 ball says: Try again later
Question: what tha...!?!
Magic 8 ball says: Outlook so-so
And basically that's how we deal with relationships and things of the heart. I can't be blamed for anything I do because all my actions are sanctioned by the Magic 8 ball and by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo (authors of 'he's just not that into you').
As a result, I go through life not expecting anything (ok except from myself and my pay check) Try live your life with a magic 8 ball as a moral campus!! And the nice thing about not having any expections is the lack of disspaointments. I don't expect anything from you, so if you do nothing or do somtehing or do nothing when you're meant to do something, or do something when you're not meant to... you get the idea! I feel nothing. I am not dissappointed. As a result I control how other people affect me. My happiness is paramount, I want to be happy, Gosh Darn it I will be! I'll not be dictated to by someone's lack of calling, I will not sit next to the phone and wait for that phone call, I will not live my life expecting some wonderful prince charming to come along and complete me! I will not be dissappointed if my freinds don't show up to a party even if they said they will, I will not change my plans because someone wants to do something else.
So this is my ride. I do not,need to have it pimped out by freinds who cannot make up their minds and need a whole drama section...This is no hatch back but it's no stretch limo either! I will not get junk in my trunk because someone has emotional baggage and they want to share it, it's not an 18 wheeler either. Don't get me wrong, I love people, but at this point in my life, I'm going to love me a litle more, I'm going to like me,enjoy my company and agree to disagree with anyone just because I think they're wrong and not agree with them because I think it's being nice!
What's this got to do with love
Love can go screw itself! I'm tired!!!
Tired of trying to be sweet...because? The door mat has been rescinded, the damn door's shut and I best not see anyone sticking their head through that window because I will shoot first and ask questions later!
And another thing, just because I dance like it's going out of fashion at the club does not mean that I am going home with you...!
And finally the truth. I was geared up for the weekend like life was starting again, but then men happened! One is 'Double oh dumb dumb', 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde', and the last one was 'Random man at club'
hey you how u been ..david was tryin to get in touch with u!
you take care of you first....don't look for love, when it's time love will find you. How was the rest of your weekend?
Tato: Hiyah mate... yes he found me and I can't help him.... I told him to get a hold of you as you probably have what he needs ;) Couldn't help that last bit :D
@Sandy: Hello darling, the rest of the weekend was good. Salsa always helps.
Good to see you back **
I saw "Love" yesterday and he asked about you. I told him that we'd never met, but I heard that you were a Stunuh! He said, "Ok, I'll have to take my time to choose someone very special for her." :)
Hiyah Mr Bess.
I have quickly taken a poll and it appears that not unlike Santa Clause, Love has also been put on the most wanted to shoot' maim and torture list! In the event you bump into Love again please kindly inform him that as he's protector...Barry White is no longer with us, and that quite a few individuals would like to send Love after the honoured and much appreciated...Mr. Barry White
Haa haaa!!! :)
I went to check in on Love yesterday and there was a vacancy sign in the window. I went to speak to the landlord and she said, "Love don't live her anymore."
Love? am with you on that one, i am on sabbatical.
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