Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Well well well, what a funny kettle of fish

Last night Dispatches (Dispatches: Iraq's Missing Billions
Investigating what has happened to the 23 billion dollars entrusted to the British and American coalition for the rebuilding of Iraq. ) And it all dissappeared! I was shocked, these (US and UK ) are supposed to be democratic upright, judicially progressive countries and the money dissappears. You have hospitals that would make even Kenyatta Hospital look like something out of a state of the art medical journal! This was money to be spent on the infrastructure of the country, and it's pilfered.
Well on a brighter note! Kenya's problems with donor countries (mainly the US and the UK) are based purely on the fact that corruption within the country, even after the new president took office are still unacceptably higher. And the moral of the story is... don't steal from your own, steal from someone else!


Blogger Guessaurus said...

Funny you should bring this up stunnuh - I was reading the same from G2 (Guardian Magazine) yesterday, and was this american dude saying that they were playing football with the money - imagine sitting in a room with $58M dollars, guarding it, with no one accounting for it in a way. Apparently contractors set up dummy companies (anglo leasing anyone)and invoiced the government millions of dollars (this one company invoiced $10M for $3M expenditure - and that he collected Iraqi Airways forklifts, repainted them and rented them to the coalition for millions of dollars (see any pattern here yet)for work never done or highly overpriced - this money was set aside to help build back Iraq, but it is being pilfered by the coalition side for themselves - and who gets to suffer - er.. the common mwananchi who pays taxes and entrusts them to their government.

What made me sad was a story of these twins who were born prematurely and died because the hospital couldnt afford basic medical equipments (KNH anyone?)and this is just one case.

And in the same guardian, we learn that the corruption in Kenya is connected with persons and businesses (dummy ones, mind) that are based in the UK.

Yes, steal from anyone, steal from all, but dont steal from your own

12:14 PM  
Blogger Mshairi said...

Hi Stunnuh Jay, thanks for posting this - I missed the programme and hoping Channel 4 will show the repeat on More 4.

Take care.

1:31 PM  
Blogger Guessaurus said...

Here is the link that I was referring to on G2


1:35 PM  
Blogger Stunuh Jay said...

@Guess: That's seems to be the underlying concept of democracy that we haven't learnt! Steal from others.
@Mshairi: It was just so shocking that I couldn't watch but watched. It wasn't right. Guess' web page (http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,,1734689,00.html) gives a good summary of just how bad it was.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Nakeel said...

Nice lesson Stunuh nice one. We can put banners around parliament buildinghs and near Muthaiga, Runda, Kile and Lavi.

1:09 AM  
Blogger Milonare said...

Power corrupts, absolute power... Who said that?

Hmmm, if I had those chumes in my account... tsk tsk tsk...

4:16 AM  
Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

There must be some mistake??? The US would never do such a thing! Hee hee! :)
Yeah, that's the reason that we are still in Iraq supposedly to "rebuild" the government. There is much to gain for the US and the whole "good 'ol boy" network. Great post.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Shaggy said...

the 2 are the most corrupt nations and terrorists themselves.

Thanks for popping by, I saw you somersault too. Did you like the dance moves?? Can you shake it like that?

12:35 PM  
Blogger Uaridi said...

Who said that corruption is an African thing for goodness sake? And why be surprised that the loot has taken a "wrong turn"?

2:25 AM  

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