Mhmm, ebu explain,
If love is soooo good,
why the hell does it hurt like a biscuit!
This is warfare!
This is geurilla fighting at it's best, or should I say worst
With a bit of cold war espionage thrown in for good measure!
Each side vying for the upper hand
Where the hell is the UN?
Who's going to play ref.?
I want a lawyer!
But when all is said and done,
I don't want out
I want to fight with you
I'm happy when I'm unhappy with you
I'm unhappy when I'm not with you
We drive each other batty
I can drive you up a wall and round a bend,
When I raise an eyebrow
You purse your lips,
And we've had a conversation
You cross your arms
then I shrug my shoulders,
a silent war is declared
Ranks close in
standing toe to toe
I sigh
You breath in
and with a kiss
we redefine our rules of engagement
a truce is declared.
Omg I know..i know. I relate.
Ahhh...that sweet torment called love. :)Hello Stunuh!
Hello People,
@Pretty - Yah know!
@Mr. Bess - I'm thinking definitely torment!
hmmm rings so true
Stunuh! Where are you?
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