Thursday, April 06, 2006
You Are Bad Girl Sexy |
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- Laissez le bon temps roulez
- It's FRIDAY.... Go On, go get your hair done!
- Well, so the dilemma continues. I'm looking at the...
- Relationship and me, or the lack of me, thereof!
- Well well well, what a funny kettle of fish
- Die! Radio Die!
- If we knew then what we knew now.
evidently i haven't, cos i have no idea what it is?!
i'm guessing it's what happens when your eyes meet with someone else's ... i dunno!
Not sure, but eye contact can be very powerful like when someone looks at you with bedroom eyes, undressing you.
i guess its that moment when there is such a powerful intense "thing" between two people that you almost feel like you're being ravished by him...
I agree with Spicy the power of eyes and there ability to pull.
@S!: You most definitely have! And you've probably partaken of some one eye standers!!:D
@Spice: Ok that's HOT, you're definitely on the right path. It's very important to talk to someone while maintaining eye contact. I'm definitely believing that the eyes are windows to the soul, at least to the brain
@Girl Next: Definitely, enyewe it should be instituinalized as necessary foreplay
@Kip: Intense, when everything else seems to be muted, you could be standing in the middle of a rave, and it feels like just you and the jamaa are the only ones! The power of eye sex
@Nakeel: Yaani a prime example is Sandman (see Nicki's Blog....)
does it have something to do with that look you exchange with the opposite sex and no one else in the room (for example) matters?
Eye sex; ok never heard. But it culd be when you look at someone and the next thing you are out to do the necessary
I know this! This is the moment that you come into contact with someone that you are attracted to. The heart starts to pump and you get that fi-yah in your eyes. :) I like this picture. Have a great weekend!
STunah, you never sieze to stun me, now eye sex.
If its what I think it is then I have done it like a gazillion times, look and undress and F&%^# her senseless in your mind.
Have a nice weekend. I'll probably have eye sex with at least a dozen hot chics given that am going to the mall tomorrow.
One eye stand? LOL is that done with one eye?
Definitely guilty of this, and I have found myself guiltily doing it with a complete stranger across the tube or street or supermarket. Exciting, tingly, fun and guilty too.
LOL at Nursy's one eye stand...
Aki the number of voluptouses I have raruad with mine eyes wah wah wah
And the positions...
Woi woi woi
Now are u calling for mke mwenza war.. lol.
The eye sex ask me My colleague they see a diabz(c#2)thats ful then look at the face and see it is not that attractive they say u kamata while u imagine she looks like Jenifer Lopez and say its mzuri they rarua as its dressed and walking.. LOL..
I just met this jungu chic who plays acoustic guitar and when she plays for you she gives you the greatest eye fucks!I think it is a good skill (note to self have to practice on someone today!)Nice weekend!
@Mocha:don't understimate that look!:D
@Shiroh: terminology aside, you've heard of checking out, scoping...and then you caught! That's when it starts
@Mr. Bess: Yes Sir! And the blood is causing through the veins, fast enough tobreak the sound barrier. It's all in the eyes.
@BJ: but do we say ? ;) Save something for the summer bunny season, coming up soonest in Nai.
@Guess: the best guilty pleasure, our thoughts are our own! And Until the mind police come along...we cannot be accused of partaking in any untoward activities :)
@Milo: I see you have vast knowledge of a very good book (with pictures??)
@danger: CHICKEN...did you smile, did he smile. any lifted eyebrows?Grey eyes, eh? YUM!
@Nak, ok that's the guys, kwani, what do chicks look out for...mhm a hefty well you don't know what the sentence ends with? Wacha!
@Aco: Pana cheza, any licked lips ;) for good measure?
visual intercourse? does one need some form of prophylaxis?
Guilty, very guilty & have eye witnesses to prove this...they were eyeing me too so that makes two guilty parties.
I decided to start eye seducing someone I was with this weekend.You would be amazed how it breaks a gal down!I think I will experiment some more this week and post on it!
i know I left a comment here last week. Bloody blogger!!
LOL @ Aco's eye fucks!!
Eh now that you've brought it up, I know a guy who gave fantastic eye fucks. I could never understand how come no-one else around me noticed, it was so blatant. And it was such fabulous foreplay, by the time we got to the real biz we were so ready!!!
Yum yum!
@Nick: sunglasses, but unless you're stevie wonder or Ray Charles, just eye ball it!
@Akiey: Well it takes two to tango, so getting caught's the best part!
@Aco: just watch out and get ready, when she doesn't look down you might just have to put out ;)
@Ms K.: You go girl! BTW the blogger has definitely been misbehaving.
Like I told you b4, I had a plenty of that this past weekend and even having some at work too.
Be good and take care.
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