at the cafe

It's about him.
He hasn't arrived yet, but he might.
I don't think we set a time, he didn't exactly say when he'd get here.
I hoped it would have been now.
I'm a little worried that he may have gotten lost.
Thing is, I don't even know where to start looking. Did I take a wrong turn last week, or was it last year?
Have I lost the plot, completely scappered the plan? But what was the plan. Maybe it's me who's lost and I should be finding my way back to the rendevous point. Was it at that coffee shop. You know, the one I like, the one that lets me dissappear in a sea of faces. How about that restaurant, was he there, I know I should have left the group behind. I didn't know it would turn out like that! I tried to make up for their rudeness... Doesn't matter now, even though I still cringe at the memory.
There was that one time...nO. I don't think that was it, he would have said something. Maybe he's refused to say, if so Why won't he say anything? What's happened to us? I think I've done everything I should be doing... I think I'm where I'm supposed to be. This must be the spot.
I'll just have a seat, and wait for Goddeau, at least even He get's here, eventually!
Ok, Ok. I'll calm down.
I lost my temper. I shouldn't have thought that. Of course he'll be here.
He wouldn't not come,right?
He wouldn't be late,
Would he?
'Hi, yes, I'll have a coffee. Black, no sugar.'
'Leave the chair, I'm expecting a freind.